what is 14th Feb. or Velentine's day???
Hii guys, i just want to share the knowledge that i know, act there is no wrong with 14 feb. Actually, in islam there is no restricted (haram) on that date, but it is restricted (haram) when we as a muslim celebrate on that date. But it depends on our celebration. If the date is your birthday it will consider okey but it is restricted when we as a muslim celebrate it as our loving day with our buddy (specail boy friend or special girlfriend). First of all, let me explain the meaning of Velentine's day. actually, Velentine is nothing, its just one of the name of the priest in Rome. if i'm not mistaken, he died around AD 269, 14 feb. and was burried on Via Flaminia.
why it is not allowed in Islam????
So the 14 feb is celebration for those who are Christian and not for Muslim. We as a muslim can not celebrate like what crhristian and Yahudi today do. This because, in Islam our prophet Muhammad S.A.W had said:-
it was nerrated from At-Tarmidzi and Ahmad. Adi Ibn Hatim, before he become a muslim he is one of the Nasrani. He ask Prophet S.A.W.:- who is al-maghdoob 'alaihim that had stated in the quran (surah al-fatihah)? Prophet answer:- they are Yahudi , then Adi ask again :- who is ad-dhoollin also had stated in the quran (surah al-fatihah)? Prophet answer :- they are Nasrani.
this is one of the hadith that is sohih.
next, this hadith is sohih, from Abi Dawood, Rasulullah (Prophet also the massenger of Allah) had said :- For those who are follow or gather with other group, then he/she is from that other group.
plus, if we celebrate the valentine's day, we will commit to the sin, where by, girls and boys nowadays, will do not have any limitations, i mean, in islam we can not over the limitation. for example, islam (this is for those who are follow the mazhab Imam As-Syafie) man and women, have the limitation except for those who have the relationship for example husband and wife only.
my conclusion
in my opinion, Islam have provided what is the best for Muslim. For example Islam have give muslim 2 celebrations which are Eid. Fitri and Eid. Adhah. So why we still need to celebrate the velentine's day. Remeber brothers and sisters, we are not good enough in prayer, we are not good enough in covering the aurah, or we are not enough to fulfill the rules and regulations that Islam had stated, but why we still want to commit into a sin with that celebration.
dont we know about the history of Saidina Umar, to us or people on his period, he is one of the good muslim, he is good in solat, he is good in fasting, he is good when recite the quran, he is good in war plus, he is also known as the worrior. Even our prophet said that he is one of the person who can go to heaven in easy way. but did u know what is his answer when people said he is good in ibadah, he said he still not good enough, so he afraid that he is one of the person will go to the hell.
So, why not this celebration we just ignore, or maybe just let the Nasrani and Yahudi laknatullah. celebrate it.. if you guys love Allah youguys must amar makruf, nahi mungkar...
P/s:- please correct me if im wrong (for muslim only to correct me)
and the story i want to share with all religions.